View this email in your browser LOOKING FOR PROGRESS Isn't that what we desire? Humans like to see progress. We (I) like to move forward, to see that things are heading in a positive direction and that goals are on track. Without this progress, frustration ensues, which is what I am seeing in our culture right now, and even within myself. Some of my own progress has been thrown out the window, obvs, but I am finding what internal changes that have to be made, where I can experience gratitude, and also where I can be of service. What I can do now is focus on what I can control, and that is my studio practice. Painting is one aspect of a studio practice. Another is organizing the studio, and making it as efficient as possible. Right now that involves creating cardboard boxes for my original that is my current state of progress, and I am grateful for it. What is New? My Succulent Puff Collection This month marks the beginning of a new coll...