A Drawing About Rain

As someone who grew up in Portland, Oregon (on the west side of the Cascade Mountain Range in the Pacific Northwest [USA]), rain is something that is simply part of life. When it isn't raining, like during the summer, I miss it, and can't wait for it to begin again. When it is raining, or let's say raining too much, I wish it would stop so I can at least go for a walk. ❤️Cynthia "Water Swirl 3" Gel ink on acid-free paper 11 x 8.5 in (28 x 22 cm) $200 Purchase it here: https://buy.stripe.com/7sI28b301fr522c9B0 #cynthiamosser #drawing #blueline #art #raindrops #rain #pnw #raining #water #vancouverwa


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